Great Pre-Con Giveaway – Bleach: Shattered Blade (Wii)
Bleach: Shattered Blade Game System: Nintendo Wii “Wield the Wii Remote like a Soul Reaper’s sword! Get a sneek peak of preview of unlockable characters not yet revealed in the TV series, including one character created exclusively for the Wii. All 32 characters are voiced by the actors from the anime series and are equipped with powerful Bankai transformations and Zanpaku-tos. Created especially for the Wii, this new storyline brings a whole new dimension to the series!” Giveaway sponsored by Kuriousity |
Congratulations to our winner – Anne Lautenschlager!
Bankai! Bankai! Bankai! Enjoy you shonen-filled fix of Bleach and have a Wii? Then this is the giveaway for you! With a huge cast of characters and lots of button-mashing and power-slashing multi-player action it’s a great game to play with your fellow fans.
How To Enter:
Simply leave a comment in the comment section below with your name, e-mail address (e-mail addresses are not made public) and an answer to the following questions (because we’re curious!): Do you play video games? If so, what’re some of your favourites?
Don’t worry if your comment doesn’t show up right away – we need to approve all comments so sometimes it takes a little time.
A winner will be drawn at random from the entries!
Entries will be accepted until March 26, 2010 (9pm)
You must be pre-registered for Animinitime Halifax and be attending to enter the drawing. Each pre-registrant may enter only once per draw. You may also enter any or all of the giveaways but are only eligible to win one.
In the event you are the winner, you will be contacted by e-mail before the results are publicly announced. Prizes will be distributed during the Animinitime Halifax event. Some exceptions can be made for those living in the local Halifax area. The convention staff reserve the right to request the approval of a legal guardian before prizes are distributed to minors.
Good Luck!
[...] Friday’s giveaway – Bleach: Shattered Blade (Wii) [...]
I play video games every once in a while when I’m off work. C: My favorites are probably the Kingdom Hearts and Harvest Moon series.
Asking if I play video games is like asking if I breath. lol. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past in my opinion is the best game ever. That’s right. Super Nintendo. But I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Kingdom Hearts and the Persona Seires. Not to mention Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Star Ocean… All the Final Fantasy’s, the Tales series (mostly Tales of Symphonia)…. oops… better stop now. I could ramble about awesome games forever. haha
You know…. I don’t even own a Wii but the chances of me winning are slime so I figure I might as well enter. Better to win something then nothing right. ^__^
I play video games! ^_^ I love KH, FF, TWEWY, Zelda, Harvest Moon, Pokémon… and more but I’m supposed to be doing homework instead of typing this…Oops… XD
i love that game it’s fun i love playing video games! ^_^
Videogames, throughout my entire seventeen-year life, have always been my greatest interest. My favorite genre of games are RPGs and games that are unique in their own ways. My favorite games are some very old ones such as Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, and the ultimate space-shooter series, R-Type!
I am huge fan of Bleach and I would love to give this game to my friend so we can play it on her Wii.
I play games like GuildWars and World of Warcraft, other than that cheap games I buy.
I play video games a lot time to time, and then sometimes i just stop but i really enjoy it. I started with Harvest Moon, Pokemon, and Naruto…..then, i started playing DDR, Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts. I liked and enjoyed every one of them.
I love Bleach, and I am a Huge Video Game fan. Fav Games are All Pokemon games, Harvest Moon (any), Legend of Zelda, Resident Evil and Etc…
I play video games, despite being very bad at them My favorites are Kindom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and any type of Wii game that involves even the slightest movement of the remote to end in disaster.
I play Harvest moon obsesively. >_<
Yeah, I play video games.
I love computer videogames like the Sims 3 and Zoo Tycoon. I’m also a big fan of Wii Fit and Resident Evil. And we can’t forget Pokemon and Mario Bros.
Actually, I’m a big fan of Namco games… I’ve put in so many hours on Tales of Symphonia. >.< I also love Legend of Zelda, Lost Kingdoms, Metroid, Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, and so on. RPGs all the way!
I do play video games! xD I love the Lego games… Lego Batman is awesome. Lego Indian Jones. Otherwise, 7 Samaurai 20xx and Suikoden.
I love video games. I have two systems in my house, my Xbox360 and my DS. I also have my computer too ;P. My favorite games are Animal Crossing, Enchanted Arms, Sims , and Pokemon (of course!)
I help with public gaming events and have the second largest collection of anyone I know. I reckon I play them once in awhile as well ha ha.
I’ll play pretty much anything once. Anything from shmups to role playing games (both western and japanese) to first person shooters to random indie games and everything in between. If I had to pick some favourites I’d have to go with Ikaruga, Fallout 3, Final Fantasy IV and Capcom vs SNK 2.
See you all in April!
I love video games its like my life i have like almost all gameing systems but a xbox, xbox 360 and ps3 my fav games is mostly the Kingdom hearts series, Harvest moon , Zelda( everyone) and the .hack series
I play on occasion, usually when I’m home from university. I love Mario Kart for the Wii and guitar hero. I used to love playing soul calibur II, the original Mario games, mortal kombat, Halo and others when I had the time.
Yes, I love video games! <3
My favorites are (for each system I own): Left 4 Dead 2 *Xbox 360*
Metroid Prime Trilogy *Wii*
Pokemon Platinum *DSi*
Kirby's Air Ride *Gamecube*
Pokemon Emerald *GBA SP*
Banjo-Tooie *N64*
Super Mario World *SNES*
Duck Hunt & SMB. *NES*
Spyro the Dragon *PS1*
Roller Coaster Tycoon *PC*
I love playing video games, Kingdom of hearts and Final fantasy are my favourites. Bleach is one of my favourite manga’s, I’m sure the game must be amazing.
I like playing video games! I’ve played Mario games, Castlevania, and some others on our Wii system with my brother. My favorite right now is ‘Castlevania: Judgement’, just for the graphics and super-awkward dialogue. The characters fight for the strangest reasons.
Borderlands and Guild Wars are my current favorites. I used to play quite a bit of Diablo II and Counter-Strike.
As far as console games are concerned, no game has ever been made that can compare to the perfection that is Final Fantasy VII.
Full stop.
I play video games! I’m totally a gamer girl!
Especially Kingdom Hearts!
Video games are awesome!
Currently I am playing:
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (XBOX360)
COD: Modern Warfare 2 (XBOX360)
All the Bit.Trip games on the Wii
And if you haven’t done it yet, LOOK UP “FRAGILE” on the wii.
You won’t be disappointed.
I’ve only actually started playing video games this year after moving in with someone who has a PS2. since then I’ve gotten hooked on the Final Fantasy games and Okami.
Yes, I play video games. Some of my favorites are ‘Destroy All Humans’, ‘Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic’, and ‘Fable’. One of my very favorites is ‘Star Wars Battlefront 2′.
I love videogames Zelda, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and admittedly the Pokemon games, are some of my favourites.
Lately I’ve been short on time, so I’ve been limited to only really messing around with Touhou danmakus/shoot em ups
Yeah, I play video games~ Let’s see… Zelda OoT of course, along with Majora’s mask, and Twilight Princess. Fire Emblem, all of them~ Harvest moon most of them, all the Final Fantasy games, Kingdom hearts, all the Naruto games, Gundam games, Pokemon, Nintendogs, Star Ocean… Man that’s only a few of them, but I can’t help it! Video games are fun!
I like most games (don’t really like shooting ones) and my favorites are Oblivion and Dragon Age on PS3, and whatever my kids have going on wii