Only Two Weeks Left for Halifax Pre-Reg – The Great Pre-Con Giveaway!

March 17, 2010

Anyone else finding it hard to believe that it’s mid-March already? This means there’re only two weeks left to pre-register for Animinitime Halifax and only a little under 6 weeks until the event itself!

Along with our wish for everyone to have a fun and festive St. Patrick’s Day today, we’re also eager to commence with some surprise treats for all our Halifax pre-registrants! Starting tonight, we’ll be giving away some anime/manga goodies to our attendees – yay for prizes!

Pre-registered for the Halifax convention and interested in winning some stuff? (Don’t worry Moncton-only con-goers, we’ll be having pre-con giveaways for you as well!). Check out our contest page for the Great Pre-Con Giveaway.

Today’s first item up for grabs – Twilight the Graphic Novel!


Friday’s giveaway – Bleach: Shattered Blade (Wii)
Sunday’s giveaway – Trigun (Vash) Plush

One Response to “Only Two Weeks Left for Halifax Pre-Reg – The Great Pre-Con Giveaway!”

  1. I have learned of animinitimes at the closing ceremony of last years animaritimes.

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