Prepare Your Swag – Garage Sale Returning for Animinitime Moncton
A favourite event of Animaritime, and brought back by popular demand, Animinitime Moncton will be having a garage sale!
We’ll also be trying things a bit differently for the one-day event. Lasting for two hours, attendees will be allowed the opportunity to pay a one-time fee and man their own designated spot to sell their items. This means full control over the price and haggling you wish to offer with your items to give your buyers the deal they’re looking for.
Participation for the event will require pre-registration for both the Animinitime Moncton event and the garage sale. More information can be read on our events page with full details available on June 16th, 2010.
A reminder also that our Artist Alley registration opens this week on June 4th!
What if you are a vendor/artist that has personal things they want to sell?
I notice it says “Participation for the event will require pre-registration for both the Animinitime Moncton event and the garage sale.” but it doesn’t say anything about vendors and artists that also have personal stuff they wish to sell. Or does “pre-registration” also include vendors and artists?
Anyone who wants to sell in the Garage Sale has to be pre-regged for the Con, and we’re requiring people to do a seperate pre-reg for the Garage Sale so that things will be in order and make the event run more smoothly. We’re setting it up similar to the AA since Animinitime is a one-day event, and it will allow us to organize before the con.
People in Artist Alley also have to Pre-Register for the Conto be in artist alley anyways, so Pre-Reg for the Con is still required.
Vendors are automatically considered pre-registered for the con once they’ve been confirmed/registered for the Vendor’s Room. They would simply have to pay the additional fee required for the Garage Sale, as it is a seperate event within the con
OMG! YES!~ I’m soooooo cleaning out my stuff for this!